Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Comparison between canadain remand policies and other developed Essay

Comparison between canadain remand policies and other developed countries remand policies - Essay Example This paper is going to discuss the comparison between Canadian remand policies and other developed countries. Trebilcock defined the state of being in remand as a process when an individual is held in custody as they await for their sentensing or trials. Different countries have their policies of handling individuals who break the laws depending on what is considered right or wrong in the particular countries. The reasons for remand in Canada are,ensuring that the accused people do not flee the country,protecting the citizens of the likelihood of criminals reoffending and maintaing the confidence in justice adminstration (Trebilcock,30-34). There are similarities and differences in the remand policies in Canada and other developed countries. In majority of the countries like United States,Canada,Australia among others criminals who are in remand are normally held in court cells,police cells,prisons or psychiatric facilities depending with their levels of crime. The prisoners who have already been sentenced are kept in separate units from those still on remand. Trebilcock stated that the time spent on remand for prisoners in various countries is normally taken off an individual’s total sentensing time. The prisoners are normally assessed carefully by the Courts and given specific offender plans that identify various areas that the individuals can benefit during their prison time where they can learn important skills like managing money,fundamental living skills and parenting skills. The remand prisoners in Canada and other developed countries are helped with their addiction problems and finding ways of employing themselves and getting employed in various organizations. The prisoners in remand in all the countries are similar because they are helped in finding community support and finding accomodation when they return to the society. The prisoners who are considered

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Case study - Essay Example On the pricing side, it is necessary to know what the prices should be, and what the price customers are willing to pay is. The company should be in a position to offer value addition to products and services, in order to enhance sustainability, and sustain a strong and consistent customer base. Products need to be designed according to the requirements of the customers, and the materials should conform to quality and pricing standards. After the transformation of the raw materials into finished goods through the manufacturing processing, these are packed and shipped to the various customers. It is important that the company receive relevant feedbacks from the manufacturing, suppliers, logistics and most significantly from the customers. It is necessary to offer the most economical and competitive prices to the customers, by reducing costs and increasing margins to the optimum level and also ensuring high quality products through satiation of the demands of the customers. The demand and supply aspects of the company should be continually increased, so as to be able to offer enhanced supplies for catering to a large demand for the products and services offered to the customers. (Produce best product, lowest cost). The Manugistics views are that there should be an integrated approach to the supplier relationship management and the supply chain management by strengthening pricing and optimizing revenue generation. It is therefore to be ensured that increased levels of demand side and the supply side of marketing are aimed at; thereby the pricing and optimization aspects could be taken care of. However, it is necessary to have complete knowledge about the customers’ profiles, including segmentation of markets based on the ‘ability to pay’ concept. (Produce best product, lowest cost). The best product mix provided to product locations